Join the War Against Covid
Join the war against Covid
“New Zealanders did something remarkable in our fight to beat COVID-19. We united in unprecedented ways to crush the virus.”
The Coronavirus is real!
It has killed over 235,000 Americans. It is on a pace to kill as many as died in WW II by year-end. We must care about the lives of our friends, families, and acquaintances. Do you care about our economy? Joining the war against Covid means taking “me” out of the picture and thinking about “us.”
It means following the scientific guidance from the experts. They did not make this up. It doesn’t matter where it came from. Covid will continue to kill our fellow Americans while we wait for the vaccines to be perfected and proven safe. Many of us may not get the vaccine until April 2021 We must take precautions now.
As I watched the Governor of New Mexico this afternoon when she announced a new two-week stay at home order, I watched the chatbox and read many of the comments. It is amazing that with the projected number of deaths expected to reach 440,000 and 193,000 new cases reported today that a surprisingly large number of people criticized the Governor for taking this action.
Also, congress continues to do nothing to relieve the pain of the Americans they are supposed to represent. Where are the ban on foreclosures, the extension of benefits for workers out of a job because of the pandemic, and the loans to small businesses so they can survive until the vaccines arrive? And many of those were just reelected.
“No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.”
– Charles Dickens
The Coronavirus (Covid-19) is a virus that is similar to the common cold but much more deadly. It is one of many varieties of respiratory viruses and many common cold variants. It was first identified in Wuhan, China but has quickly spread around the world with 49,182,075 cases and 1,242,308 deaths as of November 6, 2020, the mean infection rate is 2.5.
There are 12 vaccines currently in phase 3 clinical trials. Once they finish the clinical trials and are deemed safe and approved by the FDA they will be rolled out to the public. The vaccine being tested by Pfizer seems to currently be the farthest along. But we don’t know which vaccines will be available first or when. The guesses vary depending on who you hear it from. And they change daily.
Limited amounts of the vaccine could be available as early as December 2020. Even when they are available, not everyone will have them the same day and some products will require 2 injections taken at different times. It will be a monumental task to get the vaccines to all the hospitals. Then they have to decide who will get the vaccine first and contact them. Completion of the vaccinations will take well into 2021.
Fighting the war now!
There is no magic bullet available now, but we do know the only way to be safe is to change our behavior. To change our collective behavior, we first have to believe it is real. I remember in my early 20’s, I felt and often told my wife I couldn’t get sick and at that age usually, I didn’t. I also remember driving to see my parents to introduce my fiancée to them on a weekend. We drove 20 hours, visited for a few hours, and had to drive 20 hours back because of our jobs. I don’t know how we survived, but it wasn’t because we were wide awake and alert as we returned. I was lucky. You can’t count on luck to protect you and those you know from the Coronavirus.
I’m sure some of you feel that same level of invincibility related to the coronavirus. But the truth is that it can infect anyone of us and kill anyone of us regardless of our age or underlying health status. And if you get it, the odds are that you will infect everyone close to you before you know you have it. Take the simple precautions seriously today.
The problem is it isn’t just about you this time around. Coronavirus can infect you and you can infect everyone you come in contact with during the time before you feel sick enough to get tested or get the results back. The others you infect may not be as lucky or as healthy as you are. Once they get it, they can die. So, there are real consequences to not following the guidelines.
If it was only you, I would say do whatever you want. It’s your life, live it the way you want. If you catch the virus and die that is arguably your right. However, I don’t believe it is your right to ignore the guidance and infect others who may die because of you. Ignoring the guidance is just plain stupid.
This isn’t about you; it is about us. Those you know, those you see at a store or gas station, your family and relatives. So, get off your high horse. Quit thinking “I have the right to do whatever I want” and join the battle against the coronavirus. Wearing a mask isn’t a political statement or giving up your constitutional right to be free. It is common sense.
Follow this Guidance to keep us all as safe as possible now!
“What do we live for if not to make the world less difficult for each other.”
– George Eliot
Avoid gatherings of more than 5- that means having a clan gathering for Thanksgiving or Christmas isn’t in the cards this year. This stinks, but it will save lives. Join with others who are putting their family gatherings on hold this year so they can enjoy many more.
Wear a mask- I know they are no fun. My glasses steam up every time I wear mine. It is hard to see a smile on someone’s face when they are wearing a mask, but there are some cute masks out there. And, as an aside, wear it so that it covers both your nose and mouth to be effective. Wearing it around your neck under your chin doesn’t protect anyone.
Keep your distance- You can shop and buy your groceries without getting close and breathing on other people. It is painful not to be able to shake hands or give someone a hug. We all want to be touched by others. Well, I guess, some don’t. But take a break and catch up later.
Wash your hands often-When you return from the store wash your hands. This is especially necessary as the flu season kicks in. If we don’t control the Coronavirus now, we may not have hospital beds for the flu patients that need them.
Believe the scientists-They are not making this up-Am I telling you that scientists are infallible and always right and will never change their minds. No. But they have the best advice for this fight.
“I shall pass this way but once; any good that I can do or any kindness I can show to any human being; let me do it now,” wrote the Quaker missionary Etienne de Grellet.
Join in the fight now. Disbelief, standing on your rights, makes no sense!